
I Swear





script | 04.04.2008 | print this page

The JW FLV Media Player (built with Adobe's Flash) is an easy and flexible way to add video and audio to your website. It supports playback of any format the Adobe Flash Player can handle (FLV, but also MP3, H264, SWF, JPG, PNG and GIF). It also supports RTMP and HTTP (Lighttpd) streaming, RSS, XSPF and ASX playlists, a wide range of flashvars (variables), an extensive javascript API and accessibility features.


You can download the player by clicking the button. It includes all the source files. A list of previous versions can be found below.

» Download the Player now


The easiest way to get going with the FLV Media Player is by using the setup wizard. Select an example, set the file you want to play and copy-paste the embed code to your site! If you want to learn more, here's the complete documentation of the FLV Media Player:

  1. All supported flashvars (variables) you can set to customize the player.
  2. All supported playlist formats you can use, plus some implementation info.
  3. A large list of all third-party plugins for the FLV Media Player.
  4. A tutorial on embedding the player in your site.
  5. A tutorial with all functions of the javascript API.
  6. A tutorial on adding captions and an audiodescription (accessibility).
  7. A tutorial on FLV encoding and video formats.


I receive a lot of requests for creating customized versions of my player/rotator. In most cases however, a clever setting of the flashvars already fulfilled the requests, so please make sure you first check the list of flashvars or the new setup wizard. Additionally, I do not design or program any particular (paid-for) customizations (I just don't have time for it), but interesting features will be plugged into the next update. If you are familiar with actionscripting yourself, you should find that changing or adding to the player/rotator is quite simple. To get started, I've provided a PDF with clear overview of the application structure.

Here's a list with some frequently-encountered problems. For tips, tricks, additional info and bug reports, you can always have a look at my support forum.

  1. If you get strange display errors on IE (e.g. after refreshing), the Stage size is not properly set. Use the flashvars width and height to fix this problem.
  2. Note that javascript interaction and playing remote files will not work when testing locally. These are security restrictions.
  3. When entering an RTMP stream, set the stream path (rtmp://myserver.com/streams/") to the file flashvar and the actual FLV (my-great-movie) to the id flashvar. Discard the .flv extension.
  4. True fullscreen only works if you have the Flash Player 9,0,28,0 or higher installed. H264 video only works from version 9.0.98. If you use the SWFObject javascript to embed your player, you can use it's auto-update functionality. Also make sure you have the parameter allowfullscreen set to true in your embed code!
  5. If you encounter too fast or too slow playback of MP3 files, it contains variable bitrate encoding or unsupported sample frequencies (eg 48Khz). Please stick to constant bitrate encoding and 11,22,33,44 kHz. The free iTunes software has a decent MP3 encoder.
  6. If the progressbar isn't running with your FLV file, or if your video dimensions are wrong, your FLV file doesn't have metadata. Fix this by using the small tool from www.buraks.com/flvmdi/.
  7. If FLV playback doesn't work on your site which runs off an IIS server, the FLV mimetype isn't added to the server. Please contact your webserver administrator on this (if you're an admin, here's how to fix it).
  8. The player/rotator will run quite OK inside the Flash Player 7. However, the following features are not supported: display of GIF/PNG images, smoothing of scaled images/video, VP6 and H264 encoded video, javascripting and the digits in the controlbar.


  1. mediaplayer 3.16 (04.04.2008): Added YouTube support, searchbar, midroll advertisements, hardware scaling and playlist advertisements. Fixed overstretching,rightside-playlist fullscreen issue, javascript loading of captions, image setting in config.xml.
  2. mediaplayer 3.15 (17.02.2008): Added RTMP livestream support (no progressbar and no crash when pausing), DFXP 'dur' tag support, MTASC compliancy and shownavigation flashvar. Fixed hardcoded prefix, RTMP ending too soon and occasional stop-after-buffering bug.
  3. mediaplayer 3.14 (15.01.2008): Added ASX playlists, fallback to FLV, recommendations, config XML, Lighttpd MP4 and stop button. Reverted from preroll/postroll/overlay album tag to just commercial.
  4. mediaplayer 3.12 (25.09.2007): Added Google Analytics and H264 support and screencolor flashvar.
  5. mediaplayer 3.10 (30.07.2007): Added bandwidth check, preroll, postroll & overlay advertisements. Renamed from Flash Media Player to JW Media Player.
  6. mediaplayer 3.8 (10.05.2007): Added extra audiotrack, 'start' value for streams and javascript playlist editing.
  7. mediaplayer 3.6 (15.03.2007): Added mimetype support, captions per playlist-item, right-side positioning of playlist.
  8. mediaplayer 3.4 (10.01.2007): Flash9 fullscreen, TT/SRT captions, lighttpd streaming added. ATOM playlist support.
  9. mediaplayer 3.2 (07.11.2006): First version that can play both FLV, MP3, RTMP, SWF and images. Added XSPF/RSS playlists and javascript API.
  10. flvplayer 2.5 (25.06.2006): First player without mediacomponent. Single file with autostart, preview image, repeat, clicktext and squarish design.
  11. mp3player 2.3 (25.06.2006): Added squarish design, RSS/XSPF playlists, color customization and scrollbar.
  12. mp3player 1.1 (25.09.2004): First mp3player, with dropdown equalizer and playlist.