

发信人: MaNing (2B铅笔爱好者), 信区: Mathematics
标 题: amazon上的搞笑书评
发信站: 水木社区 (Tue Mar 17 18:15:27 2009), 站内

Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning (Information Science and Statistics)

5 of 38 people found the following review helpful:
3.0 out of 5 stars not what I had in mind, March 18, 2008
By Daniel D. Engelman - See all my reviews
Once my wife asked me to go and pick up some carpet for the hallway that matched what was in the living room. She was not happy when I came back with totally the wrong pattern. "That's completely the wrong pattern!" she yelled and tossed the cat at me.

When I saw the title of this book, I thought for sure it could help me with my pattern recognizin'. Also, I could use some machine learnin since the vcr clock has been blinking 12:00 since 1982.

Sadly, the book was not at all what I expected.
Also, the pattern on the cover is very ugly.


※ 来源:·水木社区 newsmth.net·[FROM: 168.160.62.*]

第一眼看到这东西,感觉是"Too funny to be real". 仔细一向,却想起当年意见糗事:

