


Dear Dr Yuan ,

my name is Bruno Loureiro and i'm from Instituto Superior Técnico - Taguspark (Lisbon, Portugal) and i'm doing my thesis to conclude Master degree in Engineering Systems and Computer Engineering.

My thesis is about facial expressions recognition for the iCat Robot ( from Philips). The iCat robot platform will be extended with the ability of detecting facial expression from image data, and a small demonstration will be created to test the adequacy of the integration and to evaluate the impact in user interaction. Now i'm doing the state of art of my thesis and I'm reading some articles, papers, proceedings of many people including Ekman,Rana, Picard, kaiser and other else.

I sent this e-mail to ask if you can help me. In your opinion, what is the best platform to start my work? How can i get it? I hope that your help will be very very important for me and my work. I know the openCV and I'm studding the potential of MPEG4 for this work. Do you advice me any system to use for my work? In the future, if i need integrate your work (your platform) in mine, can you send me and give me all rights to modify and include yours in my work? (obviously that you will be referenced in my work and i can send you all information about my work)

So, just more one question, do you know any facial expression recognition system besides yours? If you can give me those names i would be very grateful.

Please help me.
Thank you for all,

best regards,

Ps: sorry for my bad English :S
Bruno Loureiro - IST-Taguspark